Fire Safety for the Holidays

By |December 19th, 2016|Blog, Fire Alarms, Smoke Detectors|0 Comments

Fire Safety Tips to Keep Your Home & Family Safe

October was Fire Safety Month but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be thinking about fire safety all year long! At Secure Lock and Alarm, we love to educate and help homes and families be prepared in case of an emergency.

House fires are a common thing in the US.  It is estimated that fire departments respond […]

By |November 8th, 2016|Blog, Fire Alarms|0 Comments

Fire Prevention Week; FireFighter Audio Detector Systems

As part of Fire Prevention Week, we are introducing our new fire alarm system, the FireFighter Audio Detector. This new alarm system will alert the proper authorities about a fire outbreak, helping to cut down on the response time for Firefighters, which will help save lives!

The FireFighter Audio Detector revolutionary is a residential monitoring fire […]

Protecting Your Home From Fire

Most homeowners  think that if they have fire alarms with working batteries that they are safely protected from fire.These homeowners have a false sense of security. There is a huge difference between smoke alarms and they all do something different when protecting your home from fire. Commercial fire alarms operate differently from residential alarms, so […]

By |September 9th, 2014|Fire Alarms|0 Comments