Protecting Your Home From Fire

Most homeowners  think that if they have fire alarms with working batteries that they are safely protected from fire.These homeowners have a false sense of security. There is a huge difference between smoke alarms and they all do something different when protecting your home from fire. Commercial fire alarms operate differently from residential alarms, so […]

By |September 9th, 2014|Fire Alarms|0 Comments

What Field of View is Needed for Security Camera

This is a measurement of how large an area the camera is capable of viewing. The focal length of the lens affects the field of view. If you wish to capture a general scene of a parking lot, you would want to choose a camera with a shorter focal length that would capture a larger […]

By |September 8th, 2014|Camera Field of View, Frequently Asked Questions|0 Comments

New Blog

Welcome to our new blog! Here you will find the latest security products, and some of the more recent jobs we have worked on!

We are looking forward to improving the security of your home or business!

For more information about our Secure and Locksmith services, please give Secure Lock and Alarm a call at 978-927-6400

By |September 3rd, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Why Are Deadbolts more Secure?

Why Are Deadbolts more Secure?

Overall the towns in Essex County, MA are fairly safe. We are often lulled into a false sense of security because crime rates are lower than in other parts of Massachusetts. However, we must all remain vigilant about protecting our homes and businesses.

The best security that you can have for your […]

By |June 12th, 2013|How to Improve your Business's Security|0 Comments