Man Locks Keys in House, Gets Stuck in Chimney for Four Hours

The Tucson, AZ Fire Department shared photos from an interesting rescue of a 26-year-old man that was trapped in his chimney for four hours. They responded after a neighbor reported hearing the man shouting for help.

Firefighters found the man stuck covered in soot and stuck in his chimney! His feet were touching the floor but […]

By |October 27th, 2016|Locksmith|0 Comments

After School Safety Tips for Kids Home Alone

Sometimes, parents have to leave their kids home alone for a couple hours when they get home from school and before you get home from work.  For a lot of parents, worries and stress comes with the thought of an emergency happening when they aren’t there. To help ease your mind, teach your children some […]

By |September 27th, 2016|Blog|0 Comments

Local Beverly Business Reaches 20th Anniversary

By: Alex Bedrossian

Secure Lock and Alarm was founded in 1996 by owner Keith Bedrossian. Keith grew up on the North Shore of Boston and graduated from The North Bennett Street School in 1996 where he had majored in locksmithing. Graduating at the top of his class, he earned the “Best in Manipulation Award.” The field of locksmithing requires superior […]

By |August 22nd, 2016|Blog|0 Comments

Fairhaven, MA Police Stop Home Burglary Thanks to Video Surveillance System

A Fairhaven man was watching his live video feed when he noticed two men attempting to break into his home. He promptly called the police.

When the police responded, Sergeant David Sobral, Officers James Bettencourt and Pamela Bourgault, along with Massachusetts State Police Troopers Walter Baiardi and Michael Bucca surrounded the house. One of the men, […]

How to Make Your Home a Hard Target

Not everyone can afford to install a security system with video surveillance cameras that point in all angles around your home. However, there are things you can do to make your home a hard target. Making small improvements to your home can help deter potential burglars.

The first thing you should do is to take a […]

Video Surveillance System Helps Catch Vandalism Suspects

The video surveillance system installed by Secure Lock and Alarm helped in the arrest of two teenagers in connection to graffiti vandalism that occurred at the Islamic Center of Burlington, MA.

Late Halloween night, surveillance cameras caught the two suspects, dressed in Halloween masks, spray paint “USA” in red spray paint on the outside walls of […]

By |November 4th, 2015|Security Cameras, Video Surveillance Systems|0 Comments

Postal Carrier Caught Trespassing on Surveillance Camera

This is one of the more bizarre stories, we’ve seen! A postal worker in Dover, NH was caught trespassing in a woman’s home and trying on her boots!  The woman was at work at the time and saw on her home surveillance system that a man was walking around her home wearing her leather boots.

Luckily, […]

Social Media, Home Security & Summer Vacations!

Are you going on vacation soon? With the kids out of school and the weather improving every day, this is the perfect time to go on a family getaway!

In the age of social media, it may seem routine to post on Facebook about your day, even when you’re on vacation.  Everyone is constantly sharing things […]

How to Do a Security Freeze on Your Identity.

It is no secret that identify theft and financial data breaches are getting out of control. According to many major news outlets, it is believed that hackers based in China compromised the personal data of at least 4 million current and former federal employees. Many banks and credit card companies have instituted measures to detect […]

By |June 5th, 2015|How to Protect Your Identity|0 Comments

Should Your Life Safety System be Monitored?

Yes, it is a great idea to have your life safety system monitored! Why? Simply, because if there is an emergency the right people will be notified right away, helping to eliminate damage and other dangers.

With a monitored system, when the sensor or alarm element is tripped, the designated authority will be notified right away! […]

By |May 21st, 2015|Frequently Asked Questions, Safety Systems|0 Comments