Whether you’re a customer or business owner, you may wonder how long an ADA automatic door should stay open. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) sets necessary guidelines for the accessibility of buildings for people who have disabilities. These requirements include the accessibility of doorways and entrances to those facilities and businesses. Those requirements include how long those doors should stay open to ensure those with disabilities can safely pass through and enter without any problems. The answer to that question is that ADA automatic doors must stay open long enough for those to pass through. A good time is about five seconds long. 


What Affects The Open Time Of ADA Automatic Doors?

Different factors can affect how long an ADA Automatic can operate and stay open. The speed of the door is one of them. Faster doors will require a longer open time so customers can safely get through the passage. If a door closes too fast, it can injure the customer as it does not give them enough time to safely get through if disabled. Another factor is the width of the doorway. For doors that are wider, it may require a longer open time so customers can get through safely. The width needs to be accounted for as the wider ones will take more time to open up. Other factors include the type of the door and where the door is located. Different types of doors may have different open times as well as different door locations. Busier areas with more traffic flow may need a longer opening time to ensure customers can safely pass through. 


What Are The ADA Guidelines For Door Opening Times?

The guidelines that the ADA requires for all business owners and facilities is that an automatic door stays open for at least five minutes. This may not be enough time for larger door widths or different locations in most situations. The ADA suggests that you have your door adjusted to the exact needs of the building and those customers who will be entering. To help ensure your business meets the ADA requirements, Secure Lock and Alarm is here to help.


Request A Quote For ADA Automatic Door Installation in MA

If your business needs an ADA automatic door installation, the team at Secure Lock & Alarm can help. Our door installation team installs high-quality doors that abide by ADA guidelines. Never worry about your business not being accessible to all types of customers with the help of our team. From ensuring proper width, opening time, and opening speed, you can rest assured your business is in trusted hands. Learn more about our commercial door installation and request a quote today!