The two most commonly known smoke detectors in today’s market are Ionization and Photoelectric Detection. Let’s go over the difference together!
Ionization Smoke Alarms: These smoke alarms are typically more responsive with flaming fires. We’re going to get a little scientific here: these alarms have two electrically charged plates which ionizes the air, causing currents to flow in between the two plates. When smoke enters the chambers, it disrupts this flow irons, which throws of the smooth current, causing the alarm to activate.
Photoelectric Smoke Alarms: These detectors are activated and more responsive with smoldering fires. These detectors use a light source that will detect and switch angles once smoke enters the chamber; so the light will start away from a sensor, but once smoke enters the chamber, the light will switch positions and hit the sensor, causing the alarm to go off.
For the best protection of your home or business, we recommend using both smoke alarm technologies; fires are unpredictable, and you never know if you’re going to get a smoldering fire, or a flaming fire. To be on the safe side, having both technologies installed can help save you, your family and your home/business from going up in flames!
For more information about our smoke alarms, and for a free estimate, please feel free to give Secure Lock and Alarm a call at 978-927-6400.
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